July 26, 2024
Audio Trends

Audio... on trend
Forty years of experience in the audio game gives you some understanding of the expertise offered at Audio Trends. Tucked away in the outer Melbourne suburbs of Ringwood rests a serious showroom experience for audio connoisseurs of all age and tastes. Multiple two-channel listening rooms, as well as a slew of tasty cinema rooms ensure that Audio Trends can cater to all listening preferences, experiences and budgets. And with a vast pool of expertise to tap from their affable staff, it’s the personal approach to customer experiences that puts Audio Trends on trend every time.
Where are they located?
10 Argent Place, Ringwood, Victoria 3134

Where are they... online?
How can I contact them?
Ph: (03) 9874 8233
E: shop@audiotrends.com.au
Which of our brands do they represent?
What makes Audio Trends exceptional?